
Bollywood Dance Performance ボリウッドダンスパフォーマンス

Last night, I danced at the Hui Noeau Visual Arts Center's fund raising event.

I heard that this fund raising event happens every year, and the fund will be used to enrich visual arts education for the local children of Maui. Every year, the theme of the fund raising event differs, and this year, it was Bollywood! They asked my dance teacher, Sarala Dandeker to come and perform a piece at the event. Sarala teaches Odissi dance which is a classical Indian dance, and it is different from Bollywood, but they are both from India, so I think that's why they came to Sarala. Sarala and her students including me rehearsed for this event for the past month or so.

We had a lot of fun last night. The costumes were exotically beautiful, and everyone looked gorgeous in them and the makeup they had. Since I don't wear makeup at all in my everyday life, it was an exciting experience for me to feel like a different person with makeup on. Also, it was fun to immerse myself in a "girls' time," which I am totally estranged from, with other all female dancers as we did makeup, put the costumes on, and chatted over various things.

During my high school years, I enjoyed dancing more than anything, but I never thought to make a living as a dancer. Always working with children was my dream and passion. Yet, I love dancing, so I would like to continue to dance as my hobby for the rest of my life and want to dance even when I am an old grandma. It is my honor if my hobby extends to be seen by other people and can be enjoyed.

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Happy Valentine's Day ハッピーバレンタインズデー

A Happy Valentine's Day! (I know I am late...)
I hope you had a sweet day with your loved ones.
I had a sweet day with my lovely students and my love.

I have been teaching my students (4 and 5 years olds) how to sew. (3 years olds are practicing putting a piece of yarn through punched holes.) First, some of them got frustrated with its process, but they are very quickly getting good at it. This time, because of the Valentine's Day season, they sewed a red felt heart on to a white felt rectangle. Their stitches are getting smaller compared to when they started to sew. I think that it is important to show them and help them attain life skills such as sewing. My lovely students are focused and serious while sewing, and oh, I wish I could show you their proud faces when they finish their project! They are shinning! They are proud of the fact that they can sew and that they did not give up.

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ハッピー バレイインタインズ デー!(って遅くなりましたが。)



Ty's Performances in Japan タイの日本での演奏

Ty will be teaching workshops about Nada Yoga and playing classical music a great sarode player, Steve Oda a in a couple of cities in Japan this month and the next month. If you happen to be around, please check them out and enjoy their deeply beautiful music. (Am I coming with them? No, unfortunately not this time. I cannot leave my adorable students behind too long...) The dates and places are listed below:

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A Gentle, Warm, Large, and Embracing Heart 優しく、温かく、大きく、広い心

I assume that there have been many people who were surprised by the sudden engagement announcement. I am sorry that I could not tell each and every one of you individually.

We decided to be engaged three months after we met. It might seem quick, but it felt very natural to us.

He is a musician who plays an instrument called Tabla which originated in India. (Here is his website: www.tyburhoe.com . He also has a recording company called Tala Records: www.talarecords.com)

He tours around the world, so we do not get to see each other as often as we want to, but we feel we are close together even when we are physically apart. He has a gentle, warm, large, and embracing heart.

I am very much appreciative that I will be able to taste all the life's happiness and even some "bitterness" with him.

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彼はインドの楽器の一つであるタブラという太鼓を演奏するミュージシャンです。(こちらが彼のウェブサイトです。www.tyburhoe.com また彼はタラレコードというレコード会社も持っており、こちらがそのウェブサイトです。www.talarecords.com




I am Engaged 婚約いたしました

I am engaged now.

I am engaged to Ty Burhoe.

I am very appreciative to have met him beyond words. The fact that we found each other itself makes me cry.

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