
Departures おくりびと

The annual "Maui Film Festival" is here again!
There are four movie theaters to watch (each theater has different movies to show), and one of them is called Celestial Cinema (the photo below). Literally, you can watch a movie under the starry sky. Watching a movie on the green grass under the stars is something special.

For those of you who love movies, this week is your week!

Why do I, a tight saving person, pay to watch a movie at a movie theater? I believe that watching and listening to a story called movie with other people is different from watching a DVD at home by myself. Regardless of the genre of the movie, we individually interpret, feel, and experience the message that each movie tries to convey to us. The feelings we feel will start to float in the dim space in the movie theater and start to fill the space. Sharing that space and time with others makes our experience of the movie even more vivid. Long before the movies, TV, and radio were invented, people enjoyed sharing stories as they sat around the fire. I believe that we as humans will always take pleasure in sharing our stories.

If you live here on Maui or are visiting now, please bring yourself to one or two of these wonderfully selected movies. I like to go watch movies by myself and also like to go with friends. How about you?

Yesterday was the first day of this Maui Film Festival, so Ty and I went to watch one called "Departures at MACC's Castle Theater where we performed a couple of weeks ago. It is an Academy Award® Winner for Best Foreign Language Film of the year.

The official trailier can be viweed at the link below:

I regretted that I did not bring a handkerchief to wipe my tears and runny nose.
I am not going to write the details of the story here for those who have not watched it yet, so all I would say is that this movie gave "death" respect, love, and humor. The Noukanshi (encoffiner)'s earnest attitude towards death and how each family member left behind processes the death of loved one touched and shook my heart. I strongly felt that death is life, and life is death. I also felt stronger respect for the profession of Nokanshi (encoffiner) who helps the departures of people who passed away. And, I thought how beautiful and important it is to try to master the art form of whatever occupation I get.

The music director was Jo Hisaichi who also worked for my favorite animation movies such as "Spirited Away," "Howl's Moving Castle," "Princess Mononoke," "My Neighbour Totoro," and "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind."

----------------------------- Japanese -------------------------------

毎年6月 に催される、特別映画プレミア試写会、「マウイフィルムフェスティバル」が今年もやって参りました。いくつかの映画館があり(全部で4つかな)、その一つ はワイレアにあるセレスティアルシネマ(空の映画館)と言い、上にあります写真のように名前の通り、星空の下で芝生に座って見る映画は格別なものがあります。


お財布の口を簡単には開けない私が、DVDで映画を観れる今日、あえてお金を払って映画館で映画を観るのは何故か。一つの映画という物語を他の人々と一緒 に観る、聴くということに意味があるからだと思います。映画のジャンルを問わず、それぞれの映画が伝えようとしているものを、観客それぞれに感じ取り、その私たちの感情が映画館の薄暗い空間に浮き出し、積もった、その時間とスペースを共有することで、映画という物語をさらに強く経験出来るのではないでしょうか。映画やテレビ、ラジオの無かった昔、夜に火を皆で囲み物語りをシェアしたように、私たちはいつまでもストーリーをシェア出来ることに喜びを見出すものなのでしょうね。




以下の文章を有限会社 葬祭公社 斎場益城会館の川端康誉さまのホームページから抜粋させて頂きました。






記憶のつくり方・長田弘 あとがきより







Maui Film Festival is Here! マウイフィルムフェスティバルがやってきた!

Starting this Wednesday, Maui Film Festival presents

Music that moves us - In the premiere Dolby venue on Earth
and visions of a greener World

The Music and the Message at the World's Only
Solar-Powered Film Festival

Celestial Cinema, Wailea

---------------------------- Japanese ------------------------------

毎年6月 に催される、特別映画プレミア試写会、「マウイフィルムフェスティバル」が今年もやって参りました。いくつかの映画館があり(全部で4つかな)、その一つ はワイレアにあるセレスティアルシネマ(空の映画館)と言い、上にあります写真のように名前の通り、星空の下で芝生に座って見る映画は格別なものがありま す。


お財布の口を簡単には開けない私が、DVDで映画を観れる今日、あえてお金を払って映画館で映画を観るのは何故か。一つの映画という物語を他の人々と一緒 に観る、聴くということに意味があるからだと思います。映画のジャンルを問わず、それぞれの映画が伝えようとしているものを、観客それぞれに感じ取り、そ の私たちの感情が映画館の薄暗い空間に浮き出し、積もった、その時間とスペースを共有することで、映画という物語をさらに強く経験出来るのではないでしょ うか。映画やテレビ、ラジオの無かった昔、夜に火を皆で囲み物語りをシェアしたように、私たちはいつまでもストーリーをシェア出来ることに喜びを見出すも のなのでしょうね。


$20 (advance) $22 at the door ($15 with Celestial Pass)
Includes any or all films on one night

Thursday, June 18

7:30pm - Special Musical Surprise
8:00pm - Rock Prophecies
10:00pm - Art Officially Favored
11:00pm - Sita Sings the Blues

Friday, June 19

9:30pm - Maverick Award: Willie Nelson
9:30pm - One Peace at A Time
11:00pm - Cash Crop

Saturday, June 20

9:30pm - I Bring What I Love (Youssou N'Dour)

Sunday, June 21 - Kids 12 & under FREE

7:30pm HAPA - Live!

And more at SandDance Theater on the beach in Wailea
Including Dirt! and Sustainable Living 101


Maui Arts & Cultural Center

$10 (advance), $11 at the door

Wednesday, June 17 - Back to the Garden; Processed People; Saint Misbehavin'

Thursday, June 18 - Blue Gold

Friday, June 19 - Houston, We've Got A Problem; Unmistaken

Saturday, June 20 - The Cove

Sunday, June 21 - What About Me (Sequel to 1Giant Leap)


Interview with Sky スカイとのインタビュー

An article and ads on various local newspapers of Maui.

About two weeks prior to the show, I had an interview with Mrs. Sky Barnhart, a Contributing Writer from the Maui News. She, Ty, and I had a nice 45-minute together with her lovely 9-month old baby girl, Day. While Sky was engaging Day, she was also taking notes about what we said. I thought it was an amazing skill (multitasking). I very much appreciated her time to interview us and write a beautiful article about our performance and a bit about my history and about Yosakoi. I am planning on translating it as soon as I get some time.

The article can be read at the following link: Backstage (posted June 4th, 2009)

Sky also came to our show on Friday night. Thank you so much, Sky. I know it was difficult to arrange when you have a little baby. Also, thank you for writing the rich review which came out on the following Thursday.


If Maui's talented Odissi dancer Sarala Dandekar seemed slightly breathless during Friday night's "Dhvani" show at the MACC, it's because the tempo was a bit faster than she had planned-and she is expecting a baby in the fall! Dandekar shared the good news with the Castle Theater audience during the first act, in which she danced two classical Indian pieces with her usual grace and skill. The second act featured Akari Ueoka dancing Japanese Yosakoi-a dance style we would do well to see more of on Maui. Ueoka's high, spinning jumps brought forth a joyful energy of innovation and empowerment. The finale was a lovely duet by Dandekar and Ueoka dancing the story of Soul separating from Source due to the forces of Maya, but eventually reuniting. Backed up by the seasoned musical team of Ty Burhoe on tabla and Steve Oda on sarode, the dancers created a beautiful picture of the eternal nature of the soul, poised in a circle of light at the edge of the darkened stage as the words of the poem spilled over them: "You are eternity; you are a mirror." More productions from Burhoe's Tala Records can only mean good things for Maui."

I admire and respect writers. They are like magicians of words. They can depict the world by sentences. It is indeed an art form.

-------------------------- Japanese ----------------------------





Steve & Ty Playing at MACC スティーブとタイMACCでの演奏

My dance teacher, Sarala hired "DreamTyme Films" to record our footage from the last Friday night's show "Dhvani." The DreamTyme Films already uploaded a video which shows you Steve and Ty playing in the first half.

(Japanese) 先週金曜日にMACCにて「Dhvani」のショーをした際に、サララ先生が記録のためにビデオ撮影会社「DreamTyme Films」雇っていたのですが、その人が早速ショーの一部をYouToubeにアップロードしてくれました。スティーブとタイが前半に演奏している様子です。


Report of My Recent Days 1 近況報告その1

Sorry for not keeping this blog up to date!
Okay, here I go. I will show you what I have been up to with several photos. (Please click each photo to enlarge.)
Oh, by the way, Ty has been doing a better job updating his blog more often than I have, and you can find out what we have been doing on his blog as well.

The above picture was taken when the dancers were rehearing in their costume for the performance at Iao. The costume I wore is Sarala's; she wore it when she danced her first solo at age of 17. I was appreciative to wear such a historical one. (Most of the students have purchased their own costumes, but I have not yet, so I am borrowing one from her.)

(Japanese) はい、またまた更新してませんですみません。


All the performers have been immersed in numerous rehearsals for the "Dhvani" show. This one was taken at Montessori School of Maui in Makawao where Sarala borrowed a space for us to rehearse.
(Japanese) Dhvaniのショーに向けてずっとリハーサル漬けの毎日でした。これはサララ先生がマカワオにあるモンテソーリスクールの講堂を週末に借りてリハーサルしたときのもの。

My dancer sister, Yako checking her move.
(Japanese) 動きを確認しているダンサー姉妹のヤコ。

This is when we borrowed a space from the Studio Maui in Haiku.
(Japanese) こちらはハイクにあるStudio Mauiでスペースを借りてリハーサルしたときのもの。

In between rehearsals, we take a break and fool around a bit.
(Japanese) サララ先生のスタジオでリハーサルの合間にふざけあっている踊り子たち

We also went to Baldwin High School, a local public school to demonstrate and spread the word out about our show. These boys were interested in tabla.
(Japanese) 地元の公立高校であるボルドウィン高校にも宣伝を兼ねてデモンストレーションしに行ってきました。この男の子たちはタブラに興味があったよう。

We have to feed ourselves, too. Ty and a wonderful Sarode player, Steve Oda who flew in from California for this show having some yummy food at Veg Out in Haiku.
(Japanese) リハーサルの後にはちゃんとご飯も食べなくちゃね。ハイクにあるベジ・アウト(ベジタリアン料理のお店)でおいしいご飯を頂くタイとスティーブ・オダさん。サロード奏者であるスティーブはこのショーのためにカリフォルニアから来てくれました。

We also had a few radio interviews, too. This is one of the radio stations, Mana'o Radio.

Steve and Ty performing at Mana'o Radio station.
(Japanese) スティーブとタイ、マナオラジオ局で演奏したときのもの。

Sarala and I spoke, too. I spoke only a bit. I was impressed again how articulate and smooth Sarala is when she answers questions. It was the first time for me to appear on the radio, so I was a bit nervous, but it was fun! I thought that it was an interesting concept that only a medium called voice can reach the audience. There is no visual aids like dancing.
(Japanese) サララと私も話しました。私は少しだけ。サララ先生はスラスラと要点を話すことが出来、素晴らしい。ラジオで話すのは初めてのことで少し緊張しましたけど楽しかったです。声だけがオーディエンス側に届くって面白いコンセプトですね。ビジュアルなものは無いんですものね。(踊りのように。)

The last rehearsal...
(Japanese) 最後のリハーサルです・・・

The sign of our show was posted around the corner of MACC.
(Japanese) 私たちのショーのサインがマウイアートカルチャーセンターの角に貼られていました。

You cry or laugh, the day of the performance had come. Oddisi dancers are putting pedicures in the green room.

The altar was made.

There are many jewels to put on. Getting ready for the night...
(Japanese) 沢山あるアクセサリーもちゃんと付けられました。着々と準備は進みます。

A group photo of dancers at MACC (Lauren was taking the photo, so she is missing.)
(Japanese) MACCでのダンサーの集合写真。(もう一人のダンサーであったローレンは写真を撮ってくれたので写っていませんが。)

The costume is complex, and when you take a position of chouka, the front opens as if it is a peacock's feathers.
(Japanese) 衣装は複雑な作りになっており、チョーカという姿勢になると、このように前が孔雀の羽のように開きます。

Sarala did two solos in the first half. Beautiful...
(Japanese) サララは前半に二つのソロを踊りました。きれいでした・・・

The students who have been learning Odissi from Sarala here on Maui danced "Botu" for the first time in front of the audience.

My heart-related auntie Kyoko who has been a big supporter of my Maui life ever since I came to Maui played Shamisen for me on the stage. It was our dream come true to perform together!
(Japanese) 私がマウイに来て以来お世話になっている恭子さんが三味線奏者として共演してくださいました。「いつか一緒にパフォーマンス出来たらいいねぇ。」と言っていた夢が現実に叶いました!

After the performance, we took this photo; I was surrounded by the flower leis given by my friends who came to the show. Thank you.
(Japanese) 無事にパフォーマンスが終わった後に、来てくれたお友達に頂いた花に囲まれ写真をパチリ。来てくれたお友達、ありがとうございました。

I thought that I looked comically strange at the end of the show, so I took this one.
(Japanese) 何かすごい格好になってておかしかったので撮った一枚。

The next day, we performed at Aloha Pavilion at Napilikai Resort.
(Japanese) 翌日はナピリカイリゾートにあるアロハパビリオンでパフォームしました。

We put duck tape around our feet to dance on the carpeted stage. But, for me, it came off after the first dance.
(Japanese) ステージにカーペットが敷かれていたので、ダックテープ(ガムテープ)を巻いて踊りました。ターンがし易いように。でも一曲踊ったら汗で取れてしまいました。

We enjoyed ourselves until the very last second of this whole process.
(Japanese) 私たちダンサーは最後の最後までエンジョイさせてもらいました。

It was a lot of work to prepare for a show, but it was all possible because of those who have supported us and believe in our visions. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

(Japanese) 本当に忙しい毎日でしたが、それでもやりきれたのは皆様のおかげでした。この場をお借りして、この度お世話になった方々に心からお礼を申し上げたいと思います。ありがとうございました。