
With Appreciation 感謝と共に

(A view you can see from Haliimaile Road on Maui.)

I am updating many blog entries today, aren't I today? :-)

The year 2008 is almost over. (Today is the New Year's Eve in Japan.)
It was a wonderful year.

So many things happened this year. Some tears and much laughter. There were continuous moments of "This is why I cannot stop loving being alive!" The reason I could healthily spend my days with those moments was because of you. Using this opportunity, I would like to show my sincere appreciation. Thank you very much.

I pray that your new year will develop into what you envisage. If there is anything I can do for you to make it happen, please let me know. For me, there is almost no other greater joy than helping people realizing their own dreams and making them come true.

With Love and Appreciation,

Akari Ueoka
December 31, 2008

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上岡 安佳里

What Children See 子どもたちから見えているもの

I wrote a blog entry about the photography lesson I had with students. They took many beautiful photos! Here are some of them. (I scanned each of them with my scanner, so there are white edges around the photo. Please ignore that...)

(Japanese) 以前、教えている子どもたちに撮りっきりのカメラを与え、好きなように撮っていいよと教えた授業をしたと書きましたが、彼らが撮った写真がとてもすてきななのでいくつかここに紹介したいと思います。(一つ一つスキャナーでスキャンしたので、写真の縁に白いラインがありますがそこはまぁ目をつむってくだされ・・・。)

A Scarf Completed マフラー完成

Here are photos of the first scarf I have ever knitted by myself in case you were wondering what happened to the scarf I started.

It was a fun process including the parts that I had to re-do.

I am now working on the second scarf. I hope I can finish it before I leave Japan. Oh, by the way, I leave for Maui on January 7th from Kansai Airport.

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I am in Japan 日本に帰ってきております

Now, I am in Japan.
The winter break is only 2 weeks long, so I am here for just 2 weeks.
I feel like it's been awhile since the last time I was here. When was the last time? I think it was summer 2007, so it means... a year and half, I guess.

This trip was to see my family and friends of course and to recharge my battery. Also to help out my family since my mom is in a hospital now. 

I would love to see as many friends as I could, but I might not have time due to the circumstance, so I apologize in advance if I would not make it to see you.

I am pretty worn out. I have a list of things that I want to do while I am in Japan, but I don't have any energy to tackle them now, so I am telling myself, "Take it easy..."

By the way, the number of times I updated my blog this year was really low. I hope I will update my blog more often the next year.

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ROOTS Fund Raiser ルーツ ファンドレイザー

(Please click to enlarge this flier. You can read the details better.)

In the previous blog, I mentioned about knitting as if to say that I'm having a pretty mild life. However, the reality is that I have been working from the early morning to late night without weekends for about a month now. I cannot take a day-off... I am realizing more and more that teaching is endless... BUT I love it, so I don't mind it. Well, maybe I want a weekend-off once awhile.

As the end of a year approaches, the whole town and people seem to assume this unique feeling of excitement and hassling. The main event for me for the next couple of days is a fund raiser of ROOTS, the learning center (not quite a school yet) I work for. This Saturday night (I am sorry for this last-minute notice), we have a fund raiser event at the Studio Maui in Haiku. If you are reading this blog before Saturday and are living on Maui, please come!

Children (age 3 to 12) will be performing, there will be fun activities for children and yummy homemade food, and the Studio Maui's own Five Rhythm Master, Amara will be leading a family-friendly dance night.

Date and Time: Saturday, 12/13 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm
Place: The Studio Maui
810 Haiku Rd, Suite 265, Haiku, HI 96708 Phone:808-575-9390
Ticket: $15 for adults, $5 for children (under 3 are free)

Your contribution towards ROOTS will be greatly appreciated by children, teachers, and the whole community. I look forward to seeing you there!

We have a new website. Please check it out.

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年末に向けてさらに「師走感」が高まる今日この頃、一番のイベントは私が教えさせてもらっている学校のファンドレイザーでしょうか。今週の土曜日の夜(もっと早くお知らせしたかったのだけど、ラストミネット(土壇場)の報知ですみません)にハイクにあるThe Studio Mauiでファンドレイザーやっています。もしこのブログをお読みになられている方で、マウイ在住で子どもさんのいらっしゃる方もいらっしゃらない方も、是非是非足を運んでくださいませ。

子どもたち(幼稚園から6年生までの子どもたち)がパフォーマンスをしますし、子ども向けの楽しいアクティビティもありますし、おいしいご飯もありますし、そしてメインイベントとして、Studio Mauiのファイブリズムで知られたAmaraのリードによるファミリーフレンドリーなダンスナイトがあります。

日時:12月13日土曜日 5時半から8時半まで
場所:The Studio Maui 
住所:810 Haiku Rd, Suite 265, Haiku, HI 96708 電話:808-575-9390
入場料:$15(大人) $5(子ども:三歳以下は無料)




Knitting 編みもの

Winter is really here. I am knitting scarves for loved ones in my life who live in a cold climate (we don't need one in Hawaii). I knitted a scarf when I was about a 5th grader, but my grandma did most of it, so this is the first time I knit all by myself.

I found myself enjoying it very much. It's a good way to relieve stress and outlet some creativity. It calms my mind, too. I need something like this to balance my busy life. Otherwise, I will be working, working, and working... (At the same time, it can be a reason for non-sufficient sleep hours because it's so fun knitting, and I cannot stop it.)

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