(A leaf that has become skeleton I picked up from ground one day, thinking, "So beautiful!" The vein that once transported life force are now beautiful lace. I thought that the process to assimilate with the mother nature, namely dying, can be so beautiful.)
(Japanese: 「きれいだ!」と思って拾った地面に落ちていたスケルトンになった葉っぱ。この葉っぱの木の糧を運んでいた葉脈は今は繊細なレースになりました。土に還るプロセス、死に行くプロセスはこんなにも美しいのだなと思った瞬間に撮った写真。)
In the past three months, my life has completely shifted 180 degrees.
Many changes have occurred.
I have experienced pains while I was crying with joy for the beauty of life itself.
The metaphor of a downpour washed away my old foundation, and I was making a new one seems to describe what I was going through the best.
Loren and I are no longer together.
He is still a very important person in my life.
I love him as a friend and a soul so dearly.
Now, we have become more than just friends. We are more like a brother and a sister. (Sometimes, we don't know who is the older one, though.) I have learned a great deal of valuable knowledge, skills, and wisdom from him and from the relationship I had with him. As I was blessed with the opportunity to take care of his grandmother with him, I learned the importance of patient, love, and a good sense of humor. We have done so many things together that I cannot even begin to list here in the past three and half years. We have shared some pains and a lot of laughter. I pray that his life from this point forward will be also always filled with light of love.
Loren, thank you very much.
I have moved out of the house where Loren and I lived together, and I found a new place.
My biodiesel, Mercedes has broken down to a point where I could no longer afford to fix. Since the new teaching job was about to start, and I needed a reliable car to transport myself everyday, I gave up on fixing it and bought a new used car.
Therefore, the month of August and September were super busy. Looking for a new place to live, moving there, preparing to start the teaching job starting in September, looking for a new car, selling the Mercedes (despite of its condition, there were actually several interests, and it was sold for $500), signing up for a new land line and an internet access, signing up for a new cell phone, getting a new PO Box, and so on made my life busy.
Everything was new. A new house, a new job, a new car, a new cell phone, and a new life...
There were times when it was emotionally difficult, but like rain would make ground more solid, I gained a refreshingly new foundation to move on with my life. It was stressful when everything was happening at the same time, but I thought that it was a blessing because it was so symbolic. Now, I can take a breath and look back the past two months. I hope to update my blog more periodically. I appreciate all the people who have helped me along the way either knowing what were happening or not knowing.
Life is indeed beautiful despite of everything that could be difficult, and I cannot thank the source of life enough for letting me be alive.
Thank you.
(I took this photo at night by the seashore. The black sand and the white wave. Beautiful.)
(Japanese: 夜に波打ち際で撮った写真。黒い浜辺と白い波。きれい。)
I appreciate your sharing. I guess all of us go through those kinds of difficulties especially in our 20s. I can relate to the insecurity at that stage in life of being single but hoping not to be, etc. Well, life goes on and has plenty of new challenges. I am sure you will have noticed that the old people have their own sets of problems which are quite different from yours! You have many things going well for you. You have a bright future. Enjoy your teaching and also some new freedom!
Bruce in Taiwan
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for your comment. I have no fear of being single, and I am thankful to this "alone" time to be with myself. Yes, you are right. Life goes on. Thank you for your encouragement always.
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