This past weekend, I had an opportunity to visit Australia for the first time. A substitute teacher stayed with my students on Thursday and Friday. Both days, I kept looking at my watch thinking, "Oh, it is the carpet time now. I hope everyone came to school in a good spirit" or/and "Oh, it must be lunch time now. I hope everyone is eating a lot." I could not help to think of them.
The city I stayed during this trip to Australia was Melbourne. Sydney was a place to transit from an international flight to a domestic flight.
There were some hours to spend at Sydney airport, so I decided to take advantage of that opportunity by going out of the airport. I took a train to Central Quay Station and briefly saw the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Although it was a simple, short trip (15 minutes one way), I very much enjoyed it. It reminded me of how much I enjoy traveling places I have never been to and figuring out how to get there.
I left Maui very early morning on Thursday (I only slept one hour the previous night), and I arrived in Melbourne at 10 pm on Friday (1 am on Friday in Hawaii) because I passed the International Date Line. It was a long trip. Then, I left Australia on Monday afternoon and came back to Hawaii this morning. I landed at Kahului airport at 9 am, and I drove myself to work.
Although I was tired, as soon as I saw the students running towards me as they were shouting, "Akari!!!", I felt so much warmth in my heart. They all gave me a warm hug. I picked each of them up and put my cheek against their cheeks. I thought, "This is why I cannot quit being a teacher." I could go through the day because of them.
As soon as I came home, I took a hot bath, and it helped me to relax.
More details about this Australia trip would be written in the near future...
-------------------------------- Japanese ---------------------------
シドニー空港では乗り換えの時間が随分あったので折角の機会だと思い、空港から出てみました。電車(地下鉄のようなもの)に乗り、Circular Quay Stationまで行き、また空港へ戻ってくるという単純なものでしたが。(片道15分ほど。)往復でオーストラリアドルで$19.40(1176円くらい)でした。高いような気がしましたけど、まぁかの有名なオペラハウスとシドニーハーバーブリッジも見れましたし。