
Izanai いざない

It is not exaggerated to say that I am here today because of Yosakoi.
While I was struggling with eating disorders and not being able to go to school during my high school years, I still went to Suga Jazz Dance Studio every single day even a day when I could not go to school. Because there was dance, I could "survive" that period of time.

Dancing helped me to stay connected with my Source.

Suga-Ren (the dance troupe I have been dancing with) has been dancing Yosakoi as a way to contribute to a better world. The founder of Suga Jazz Dance Studio is Suga Kunitomo, and she established Star Nation Project and started "Izanai Dance."

"Now, the generation of separation is ending, and we are heading to the new generation of unification. We will become one by overcoming our differences in races, religions, cultures, ethnicities, and ego. The energy that unites us is Izanai." (Translated by Akari; original text was taken from Suga's website.)

Izanai means an invitation in Japanese. Izanai Dance's hope is to invite us to become awaken, to invite each soul to become who it really is.

As I dance Izanai, I am the one who is being invited the most through the experience. I go back to the simplest status of mine and think, "Yes, here, here. This is it! This is where I want to be." By reflecting that place in my dance, if the audience could feel it and remember the place even slightly, there is no better satisfactory joy for me than that.

Whenever I dance, I would like to go back to the place and dance from there.

------------------------------------ Japanese ----------------------------------



そのよさこいを、須賀連は「良い世さこい」のよさこいとして踊り続けてきました。須賀連代表の國友須賀はStar Nation Projectを立ち上げ、「IZANAI踊り」をスタートしました。





15th Annual Honolulu Festival 第15回ホノルルフェスティバル

The first year I danced at the Honolulu Festival was 2000. I was 17 years old. I cannot believe that nine years have passed since then.

This year was the 15th year of this Honolulu Festival which "is Hawaii's premier cultural event, promoting understanding, economic cooperation and ethnic harmony between the people of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim region" (http://honolulufestival.com/eng/festival.php) It was held from March 13 to 15th.

(Japanese) 初めてホノルルフェスティバルで踊ったのは2000年のことでした。その頃私は17歳。それから9年もの月日が経ったことが信じられません。

今年は15年目のホノルルフェスティバルでした。(ホノルルフェスティバルは1994年に始まった。)「ホノルル・フェスティバルは、日本各地のお祭りをはじめ文化・芸能並びに武道・スポーツなど様々な交流を通じて 日本とハワイの交流を更に深めることを目的にしています。」(サイトから抜粋:http://www.honolulufestival.com/jp/festival.php)

Suga Yosakoi Ren (my dance teacher's troupe) has been participating in this festival since the very first year and has not missed a year yet. I learned this year's choreography by watching a practice DVD three days prior to the festival (I did not have time to do so until then). I barely made it, but I did it! It was so nice to see my dance families and dance with them again.


On Saturday, March 14th, I made a reservation to fly to Honolulu two hours prior to the flight departure time. I called my dear friend Carlen in Honolulu to see if I could have a dinner with her, and she picked me up at the Honolulu Airport. This is a photo I took from the airplane. A rainbow is about to disappear from the sky above Honolulu City.

(Japanese) このお祭りに参加するべく、3月14日の土曜日に、マウイ発、ホノルル行きの飛行機の出発時間の二時間前にインターネット上で予約を取りました。(土壇場で決めました。)ホノルルに住んでいるカーレンに電話をして一緒に夕飯をどう?とたずねました。そしてカーレンがホノルル空港まで迎えに来てくれました。上の写真は着陸する直前に、ホノルルシティーの上空から消えいく虹を撮ったもの。

Then, Carlen and I went to Ala Moana Shopping Center and had a yummy dinner at Assagio. It was my late birthday gift for Carlen. On that night night, I stayed at Carlen's place (Thank you, Carlen for letting me stay at your place at the last minute!) and enjoyed catching up with my dear friend. She and I met at Maui Community College, and we became close friends quickly. She is now going to UH-Manoa and studying really hard.

(Japanese) それからカーレンと私はアラモアナショッピングセンターにあるアッサジオというイタリア料理のレストランに行き、おいしいご飯を食べました。遅くなってしまったけど彼女の誕生日プレゼントとして私のおごり!そしてその晩はカーレンの家に泊まらせてもらいました。(カーレン、土壇場だったのに泊まらせてくれてありがとう!)大切な友達と近況を報告しあえ、良かったです。カーレンとはマウイのコミュニティカレッジで出会いました。それからどんどんと親しい友達になりました。彼女は今、ハワイ大学マノアキャンパスにて一生懸命勉強しています。

The next day, I joined the dance troupe, and we performed at Waikiki Shopping Plaza and did a parade at the Kalakaua Avenue. It was so much fun, and I also got to see my friend from high school, Chika. I was hesitant to come to Honolulu to perform since I had to sacrifice my weekend which I usually use to prepare for the next week of teaching, but I was glad that I pushed myself to have time with my friends and dance.

(Japanese) 翌日に他の踊り子たちと合流し、ワイキキショッピングプラザで踊り、カラカウア・アベニュー(大通り)にてパレードをしました。とっても楽しかったです。そして途中休憩時間の間に、高校からの友達知佳とも会えました。いつもは週末に次の週のレッスンプランの準備をするので、週末全てををホノルルフェスティバルに参加することに使うことに躊躇しましたが、今はそうして良かったと思っています。そのおかげでこうして普段は離れている友達と過ごすことが出来ました。

(We walked to the Hawaii Convention Center where this truck with speakers was parked. This truck was for the parade, and we went there to do a sound check. I remember one of these boys was 3 or 4 years old. Now, he is a big boy and a great dancer!)

After the parade, some of the Japanese dancers from Japan and I rushed to the airport and flew to Maui. They were going to stay on Maui for 3 days. This is a photo of Shin who likes this pair of glasses very much.

(Japanese) パレードが終わった後は何人かの日本からの踊り子たちと大急ぎでホノルル空港に迎い、マウイに戻ってきました。(彼らはマウイに3日間滞在していきました。)これは踊り子の一人である慎ちゃんがオニューのあられちゃん眼鏡をかけているところ。

This is me trying them on.

It was a fun weekend!!


Culture & Arts Day

I will be performing a classical Indian dance called Odissi and an old Bollywood style dance at an event called "Culture & Arts Day" this coming Saturday at 10:00 am in Iao Valley.

I hope you could come and support this wonderful event to celebrate Maui's diversity.

Admission is free.

No parking is available at Kepaniwai free parking lot, and shuttles from Wailuku County parking are available.

For more details, please visit the site: http://www.aecg.org/

This should be a wonderful event with some really exciting performances. I hope to see you there!
Day Schedule:

9:15 am Blessing – Introduction
9:30 am Maui Paranku – Okinawa Dance and Drum
950 am Na Kupuna o Lokelani – kupuna hula
10:10 am Sarala Dance – Indian *
10:30 am B.E.T. – Maui on Stage, play readings
10:45 am MAPA Tour – Dances from Hawaii, Tahiti, Filipino and Spain *
11:10 am Sarah Shim – Chinese Song
11:20 am Nakayama Minyo Kai – Japanese Folk Dance
11:40 am Maui Drumming.com – African Drumming *
12:00 pm Presentations – Culture and Arts Award, Art contest
12:30 pm Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko – Okinawa Taiko Drums
12:45 pm Hawaii Ballroom Assoc, Maui
1:00 pm Komie Juku – Japanese Swordsmanship
1:15 pm Maui on Stage
1:30 pm Maui Taiko
2:00 pm Kapeolei Chorale *
2:30 pm Tau Dance Theater *
3:00 pm Shiroma Ryu – Okinawa Cultural Dance
3:20 pm Reuda Cuban Salsa *
3:30 pm MAPA – Maui Academy of Performing Arts


Whale Watching ウェールウォッチング

Yesterday, my class went a whale watching excursion!

It was a very fun day. We all drove to Lahaina harbor and gathered in front of a booth number 16, a company called Safari Boat Excursion. Many parents, fiends, and extended family members of my students came for this day (the maximum number of people who could get on the boat was 32, so I gathered 32 people to make it cheaper for each person to pay the fee; to rent the boat was $321.51, so it was $10 per person).

There were many humpback whales swimming. We saw a baby one; a boat staff member told us that sometimes a mom whale pushes a baby whale up to the surface of the water because it cannot swim underwater for a long time like a mom does. I thought that it was very cute. I imagined a baby whale trying to catch a breath and saying, "Mommy, I'm tired. I want some more milk now," and a mom whale saying, "Oh baby, one more dive, and then you will have some snack. You can do it, here we go!" Did you know that a baby whale drinks 50 to 100 gallons of milk a day?

As whales came to the surface of the water, my students excitedly shouted, "There! There! I see it!" We also listened to the whales singing when the boat captain David put down a special microphone under the water. The boat ride lasted about an hour and half.

I was very appreciative of the fact that we live on this beautiful island where humpback whales come to give birth to babies in winter. Having this kind of resource is such a blessing as a teacher, and my students are blessed to have this opportunity to be so close to such a beautiful animal called whale.

I hope that this experience will help my students to understand that not only humans live on this planet, and I hope that they gained deep respect for all creatures living in the sea as well as on the land.

It was nice to spend time with families and get to know each other more outside of the classroom, and it was my first time (after living on Maui for 7 years) to be on a whale watching boat, too!

(A student looking through a binocular.)

---------------------------------- Japanese ----------------------------------


とても楽しい一日となりました。皆、ラハイナハーバー(港)まで運転して、16番のブースである「Safari Boat Excursion」という会社の前で集合しました。私の教えている子どもたちの保護者の方々、お友達、親戚などが集まってくれました。(このボートに32人まで乗れることになっており、ボートを貸しきるのに$321.51しましたので、一人分の費用を安くするために32人集めたのです。つまり一人$10だったというわけです。)

沢山のハンパックウェール(日本語で言うとザトウクジラです。英語では背中の瘤からhumpback whale(せむしの鯨)と呼ばれているようです)が見られました。赤ちゃんもいましたよ。ボートのスタッフの方が「赤ちゃんはお母さんのように長い間水面下で泳いでいられないので、時々、お母さん鯨が泳ぎ疲れたた赤ちゃん鯨を下から押し上げて、水上に顔を出させ息継ぎを手伝うんですよ。」と言っていました。その風景を思い浮かべて、とてもかわいいなと思いました。そして赤ちゃん鯨が「お母さん、もうぼく疲れたよ。早くお乳を飲みたいな。」と言って、お母さん鯨が「あらまぁ、坊や。あともう一回泳ぎの練習をしましょう。そうしたらおやつにしましょう。もう少しがんばりましょうね。はい、行きますよ。」と言っている様子を想像してみたりしました。赤ちゃん鯨は一日に50から100ガロン(200リットルから400リットル)のお乳を飲むそうです。すごい量ですね。



