A daily schedule, time, and some posters of fractions (they are learning about fractions now). Students update the time as a day goes by.
(Japanese: 上の写真は黒板(黒くないけど)の一部でして、一日のスケジュールや、時間や、分数のポスターが貼られています。(子供たちは丁度分数を習い始めたところ。)時間は一日のうちに何度か子供たちによって更新されます。)
This week, I am doing my solo teaching. UH (University of Hawaii), College of Education requires teacher candidates to do a three-week of solo teaching during the last semester. This is my first week of solo teaching. I was a bit nervous before Monday in terms of classroom management, but after I had two good days (Monday and Tuesday) with children without a presence of my mentor teacher, I feel more comfortable and feel confident. I appreciate that UH has this requirement in its program. This helps me to be better prepared as a teacher.
I have been preparing some lessons every night, so I am pretty tired :) I will go to bed now. I hope that I will have another good day with children tomorrow.
(The picture above is a board in the classroom. I usually write what I expect students to do when they enter the classroom the first thing in the morning. By doing this, I don't need to tell them, and students know what to do, so there are less behavioral problems. This helps both of me and students to start a day in a good feeling.)