
Boulder Winter 2009 コロラドでの2009年冬

A day after the school I work at entered its winter break, I flew to Colorado where Ty has a house in a mountain. He was there since 12/8. Of course I flew there to see Ty, and also to meet Ty's son in person for the first time. Unfortunately, our schedule didn't quite work out, so I didn't meet him this time, but the day will come soon. I am very much looking forward to it!


Recently, I finished knitting this scarf for Ty's dad who lives in Chicago where a snow storm is currently hitting. I hope it will keep him warm. (I used the same yarn for the scarf I knitted for Ty last year. Here is the picture of it.)


I enjoyed knitting this pattern. I like knitting, and I would love to learn more about it when time allows.


I stayed in Boulder for three days, and the first two days were sunny. On the third day, it started to snow and it continued to snow.


Ty's car is covered with snow. Fortunately, it is a four-wheel drive, so we could drive through snow.


It was beautiful to see snow views.

Ty cut down a tree from the yard and decorated it. He calls is "Dr. Seus' Christmas Tree." I like it.


Ty and I were not that into the whole scene of Christmas (we didn't exchange any gift), but we enjoyed decorating it for Ty's son. Although he is already grown up, he is still a child of Ty and will be forever. Seeing a daddy Ty who cares for his son warmed my heart up.


Ty and I failed to get wrapping papers, so we wrapped up gifts for Ty's son using paper bags from Whole Foods. They look all right, don't they? We enjoyed wrapping them up. I busted out my Origami technique. Ha! :-D


My favorite wrapping of the year was this one. I wasn't sure how to wrap this one up, so I just rolled this chocolate Santa like a rolled sushi, and it looked as if Santa was peeking, so Ty wrote, "Ho ho ho, I can see you, ho ho ho." We laughed hard at this one.


Denver Airport in Colorado. We flew out of there for Japan on Christmas Eve. This picture was taken that day. Despite of lots of snow, the flight was on time. Phew.


Beautiful snow mountains seen from the plane.


I had a wonderful brief winter experience in Boulder.



Obubu Tea おぶぶ茶苑

From left: Fusayo, Yukari, Mika, Matsu, Akari


Fusayo and Akari dressed in "Ocha-tsumi (tea hand-picking) girls" outfit (Fusayo has a baby in her tummy who will be born in April.) She did a wonderful job serving tea with a big belly.

Yukari & Matsu - a nice husband-wife team!
ゆかりさんと松さん とても良いチームの夫婦です。

Matsu making yummy tea for the people who came

Obubu's tea is very wonderful, and they have an English website as well. www.teaofjapan.com Ty loves their tea and orders some all the time. I also have ordered some for my grandma and mom, and they enjoyed. If you happen to be in Kyoto, please visit their tea farm.

おぶぶのお茶はとてもおいしいです!こちらが彼らのウェブサイトです。www.obubu.com タイも大好きで頻繁に購入しています。私も祖母と母にインターネット上で注文しました。二人ともおいしかったよーと言っておりました。

It is a wonderful opportunity for me to experience my won culture outside of Japan. There are always fresh discoveries, and it also gives me a realization that I did not know about my own culture as much as I thought I did. This time, I learned about Japanese tea more than ever.



Promise 約束

(I made this heart with a lei given to me from a student.)

Ty came home on 12/3 from a 5-week long tour in Australia, and a week later, he had to leave for Boulder. Our life is unique. The days we get to live under the same roof is limited. It would be a lie if we say "we don't miss each other" or "it is easy." Of course, we miss each other terribly and it can be difficult time to time. However, we both value that we follow our passion/dreams that fulfills our souls. Therefore, we sincerely support each other following them. We promised to support each other as a partner in this life, and the same time, we promised to follow our own truth. I am an independent soul, and so is he. I will not become someone else in order to be liked by him. (It does not mean that I would do anything I want without considering about him.) I will not allow him to bend his truth to make me happy. He says the same thing to me. Otherwise, it will be an empty and shallow commitment which would not last long. When we meet each other as who we truly are and with our own truth, the love that springs up between us is mighty and yummy. We want to continue to feel and taste it.




"Dhvani" Movie Clips 「ドゥバニ」のビデオ映像

A part of the show "Dhvani" that was performed at Maui Art & Cultural Center (MACC) this past June was recently uploaded to YouTube, so I would like to share them with you. (A more detailed journal entry about the show can be read here.)

It's been about a half year since we had the show, and as I watch these videos, there are many points where I think to myself, "Oh, I could change that." "I should do that differently next time." Also, I think of all the people who created this stage together and feel a deep gratitude for giving such a wonderful opportunity to me who is still a "green tomato" to be on the stage with them. Thank you very much.

This particular dance piece has a story line; however, I would like you to freely interpret it in your own way. If you are interested in our plot, please feel free to read below.

The Plot: A soul who was always with the Source loses its connection to the Source after it was distracted by the worldly desire. However, the beauty of the materialism does not last long. The soul being left alone finally realizes that it is no longer with the Source and gets confused. Then, it gets fierce thinking that the Source abandoned it. After struggles, it comes to a realization that the Source was with it always and dissolves back into the Source peacefully.

今年の6月にマウイのマウイアート&カルチュアルセンター(MACC)にて演舞させて頂きました「Dhvani ドゥバニ」の舞台の一部がつい最近YouTubeにアップロードされましたので、シェアさせて頂きたいと思います。(Dhvani ドゥバニの公演についての詳しい日記はこちらにあります。)



シナリオ: いつも「源」と一緒であった魂が、俗世の物欲に魅了され源との繋がりを失います。しかし浮き世の美しさは永続的に存在せずやがて消え去ります。一人の残された魂はその源から離れたことを初めて認識し困惑します。そして見放されたと思い込み、憤(いきどお)ります。憤りの果てに源はいつもそこに共にあったことを悟ります。そしてその源へと帰っていきます。

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


ROOTS Holiday Show & Fundraiser

If you live on Maui or happen to be on the island on December 11th, please come and join us for ROOTS' second annual Holiday Show & Fundraiser. Our precious students will perform a play and dance some pieces at the very beginning of the night. Please come and support their hard work.

Date: Friday, 12/11
Time: 5:15 to 9:30 pm
Place: The Studio Maui (810 Haiku Road Haiku, HI 96708) (808) 575-9390
Admission: $15 for adults, $5 for children (under 3 free)

There will be:
  • Children’s Activities
  • Children’s Book Sale
  • Entertainment
  • Yummy & Healthy Food
  • Family Dance w/ DJ EG
  • Silent Auction & Raffle with gifts, jewelry, massage, music, photography, gift certificates, food, plants, gym membership, Reiki & more!
Bring your family and friends!

For more information call Monique Paris 269-0888 or visit www.RootsMaui.org

ROOTS was named by our students!
ROOTS is Real Ongoing Opportunities to Soar

ROOTS is a thriving community of children who LOVE to go to school and learn.

ROOTS is a learning center that supports a "Home Based" Education Program. Created in 2004, ROOTS was born from the needs of a community whose commitment to their children demanded a new kind of learning situation that is based on the individual learning process in which each student is inspired and nurtured, and where they are academically, intellectually and emotionally supported.


I am better 良くなりました

I was bedridden for some days.

My fever went up to 104F, and I had not had such high fever since I was a child. Ty happened to be gone for the 5-week tour to Australia, so I wondered if I could manage to take care of myself. However, because of my kind friends, I could manage it and recover from it. Thank you all so much!

It was an interesting sensation when I had a high fever. One night, I woke up in the middle of a night. I sat on the edge of my bed and watched shadows of trees moving on the curtains of the window. I truly thought that there was a dragon moving, and I was mesmerized by it, and after awhile, I came to a realization that I was watching shadows. At a different time, I was trying to put down a glass of water on a table. I tried that a couple of times, but the bottom of the glass did not seem to touch the table. "Strange..." that's what I thought. After some trials, I finally realized that there was no table. "Wow, look at what a high fever does to you, Akari. Wild!" That's what I thought. I felt as if my body was floating an inch above the floor, yet it was so heavy to move around. I had to walk along the wall to support myself when I went to a bathroom, and I was out of breath just to get to a bathroom.

I felt a dramatic relief when the fever came down.

What I've learned from this experience was that I had more friends who truly care about me than I thought I had. Very grateful. I also learned not to hesitate to ask for help. Great lesson. Lastly, I learned to let myself take a day-off or any break more often. I had myself on the go constantly for the past several weeks. "I am sorry, Akari." That's what I had to say to myself.

Thank you, friends, for bringing food and medicine, taking me to a doctor's appointment, and praying for my well-being! Very much appreciated!!!

---------------------------- Japanese ------------------------








What I've been doing 最近してたこと

Photo by Dominique Pandolfi

We both performed at the September Concert here on Maui. Our friend, Chimiko and Geoffrey organized it this year, and they did a fantastic job!


In September, there was a concert in Honolulu that Ty's teacher, Zakir Hussain performed, so Ty joined his teacher as an assistant, and I joined them on one weekend. This was a view from the hotel room we stayed at - Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head. For more details, please refer to Ty's diary.


I got to see my girlfriend, Chika from high school in Honolulu. She and I had a breakfast at a place where it is famous for its pancakes. Look at this size! We could not finish it and took the rest of it home.


Towards the end of September, Ty and I took a day trip to Kauai to attend my friend's wedding ceremony. It made me cry to see my friend's happy face.


Ty and I moved to a new location in the middle of October. It is actually my dance teacher's Sarala's home. We rent their downstairs, and they live upstairs. There is a dance studio right next to our place, it is close to Makawao town, and I can hang up the clothes on cloth line to dry, so I am loving it! This is me in a kitchen cabinet. I was cleaning all the cabinets, and I found this big one which seemed very attractive to go inside, so I did, and there, I am trying to get out of it. Help me...


Around mid October, there was a workshop held in Honolulu that Ty was invited as an instructor. Since it was held over the weekend, I went with him. This is a coconut given by one of the audience who came to the concert. It was very yummy coconut juice. Thank you.


October 19th was our engagement anniversary. When I came home from work, these beautiful flowers welcomed me home. Ty bought them for us. I can remember the day as if it was yesterday and at the same time, I feel it was 10 years ago.


I was invited to dance with one of my favorite dance teachers, Sunny for a fundraiser event in Paia on 10/23. The theme was Michael Jackson. It was fun to dance with this black hat. "Akari in a hat."

大好きな踊りの先生の一人であるサニーに誘われ、パイアという町で行われたあるファンドレイザーのイベントでマイケル・ジャクソンをテーマにした踊りを踊ってきました。こんな帽子をかぶって踊って楽しかったです。「アカリ イン ア ハット」

I was a kangaroo for the Halloween night. Check out the tail, too.


On the Halloween night, I met my friend Holly, her husband Mark, their adorable daughter, and Mark's dad who was visiting Maui and had a nice pizza dinner.


Maui is beautiful as always. I am so appreciative to be able to live on this magical island.



The New Rain Blocker 新しい雨よけ

I received a phone call from a lady who used to run her own preschool. She said that she would like to give me some toys. I visited her residence where it used to be a preschool and thankfully received the toys. When I was about to leave, what jumped into my eyes was a nice rain blocker! It was exactly what I wanted for my own classroom. (I wrote about my "innovative" rain blocker in the previous post which is only temporal.) I asked her where she got it, and she said, "My friend, Michael made it for me. I'll give you his number." Immediately, I called him and found out that he was a husband of my friend whom I majored in elementary education with. It's a small world!

Michael came to our school and got all the measurements he needed to make the rain blocker for our classroom. In 4 days, he returned with this beautiful rain blocker and installed it for us!! Because we had a tight budget, he used left over materials, yet it is so beautiful with a bit of transparency material. I can roll it up and down, too. When it's sunny, I can roll it up, so we can have the view and breeze. Thank you so much, Michael!!

I am so grateful that my classroom is slowly yet surely improved by many generous people for sake of the little ones!

--------------------------------- Japanese -----------------------------





The Story of Stuff ストーリー オブ スタッフ (物の話)

Please watch this educational and informative movie (about 20 min.). It is well made, and it gives us a whole different perspective in our lives.

The following text taken from its website:

"From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It'll teach you something, it'll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever."

--------------------------- Japanese --------------------



「発想から発送(売り上げ)まで、使用されるにしろ廃棄されるにしろ、私たちの日常の生活に溢れる物たちは、個々の家から世界のコミュニティにまで多大な影響を持っています。しかし、この事実はあまりよく知られていません。「ストーリー オブ スタッフ」は、製造から消費までの流れを約20分の映画の中で、歯切れよく簡潔に説明しています。「ストーリー オブ スタッフ」は多々の社会問題と環境問題の関係を明るみに出すことにより、もっと持続的でより良い世界を作り上げようと私たちに訴えかけています。この映画から何かをあなたは学びとることでしょう。そして笑うでしょう。そして映画は、全ての物の見方を根底から覆すことになるかもしれません。」


My Classroom Extension Project 2 教室拡大工事 2

Wow, I just realize that I did not update my blog even once last month! Well, does it tell you how busy I was? I even did not have time to think about my blog...

Well, I am happy and proud to announce that a new extended classroom is finally completed!! Yay!

The photos show you the progress of the project.




A couple of dads who are carpenters worked hard to finish the rest of the work. I am so thankful for them. Thank you, Michael, Aron, Malte, and Gabriel.


The white parts are where I caulked. I did it after school one day, and I could not think ahead too much back then, so I forgot to bring a glove for myself. I used my own bare finger for about two hours, and it was burning for about a week.


Before 工事前

After 工事後

Yay, it's painted!! A professional painter, Tony painted it for us. Thank you!


This is the insdie.

I never knew what drip edge was until I participated in this classroom extension project. I learned a lot by working on this project. Now, when I drive around, I cannot help to notice drip edges on people's houses. When I become aware of something that I did not think of or did not even know about, all of sudden, those things seem to appear more prominently in my everyday life. Have you experienced that? Therefore, I think that knowledge (education) is treasure. They help me to understand the world and allows me to participate in the world more deeply.


Rusted swing chain.

I asked one dad to exchange it with a new one, and he did with this bright yellow one which matches with the seat. Thank you, Kalon!


This is a temporal rain blocker. This side does not have a wall, and when it rains, rain get in. After I thought over and over what to do with a limited budget, I bought a $15 tarp and hang it like this and put cement blocks at the bottom. Ty helped me to set this up.


Let's see how long this would last.


At any rate, I am grateful more than a word can express that this project has been completed. From the beginning to end, there were only two weeks, but fortunately, there were many parents who happen to have the right skills and heart at the right place for the sake of our children, so it was possible.

The classroom was blessed by these caring parents.




My Classroom Extension Project 教室拡大工事

The past week and this week, I have been working on the classroom extension project. Fortunately, I have two dads who are professional carpenters helping me out. Mariano and Massimo, I am very grateful for you!

The photos below show you the process we have taken so far.



The school does not have a big budget for this project, so I have been doing my best to keep it low expense. Most of the materials came from Miyake Concrete in Makawao. They are very wonderful people, always friendly and helping customers. They gave me a school discount. I am very grateful.

These windows were found at Habitat for Humanity in Wailuku. It was tricky to put them in my car (Honda CR-V). The people who worked at the store said, "They won't fit in your car. Come back with a truck." Well, it takes about 45 minutes to get to this store from the school, so I did not have time to come back. I said, "I think they actually would fit. Can we try?" After I folded the back seats forward, they actually did fit! One was 4 by 6 feet. The other one was 4 by 7 feet. If you have a Honda CR-V, it's a good news. You can carry these size windows!


この窓たちはワイルクにある中古や余った建築材を安く売ってくれているHabitat for Humanityにて中古の物を探し当ててきましたよ。さぁ、私の車(Honda CR-V)に入るのか?ということで、お店の人は「無理よー。誰かのトラック借りて来なさいよ。」と言っていましたが、学校から45分ほどかかるところにあるので、わざわざ戻って来る時間は無いと思い、「いや、きっと入ります。トライしてみてもいいですか?」と粘って協力してもらったところ、後部座席を前倒しにしたらちゃんと収まりましたよ。二つとも。(ちなみに一つが4フィートX6フィート。もう一つが4フィートX7フィート。1フィートが約30cmです。)Honda CR-Vをお持ちで、これからこのようなサイズの窓を運ぼうと思われている方、入りますよ!

The blue paint was peeling off, so other dads, Mark and Malte, came and sanded the floor for me. Thank you!


We are hoping that the new paint will stick to the surface.

I primed the floor. This is me being slowly surrounded by the snowy ice area. This should be happening to the north and south poles, huh?


In order to paint the floor inside, these toys and books were taken out. I have to put them back in...

The first day of school is September 1st. I hope I will welcome my little ones in a beautiful classroom. Well, I will!
