
Dhvani ドゥバニ

(Please click to enlarge)

I am blessed with this wonderful opportunity to perform with Sarala Dandeker, Steve Oda, and Ty Burhoe at Maui Arts & Cultural Center Castle Theater on Friday, June 5th and at Aloha Pavilion in Napili on Saturday, June 6th. Also, I will be dancing with my dear dance sisters: Holly, Yako, Malati, and Lauren, and there will be special friends, Manju (vocal) and Kyoko (Shamisen) performing with us, too.

Date & Time: Friday, June 5th at 7:30 pm
Place: Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC), Castle Theater
Tickets are available at MACC's website or Box Office: http://www.mauiarts.org/june.html

Date & Time: Saturday, June 6th at time TBA
Place: Aloha Pavilion in Napili
More details will be updated later

The text below was taken from MACC website:

"Preeminent classical musician Ty Burhoe (Tabla) and dancer Sarala Dandekar (Odissi Dance) collaborate to create an authentic inspiring cultural experience based on traditional Indian Odissi and Japanese Yasokoi Dance with live classical music. Steve Oda (Sarode) & Akari Ueoka (Yosakoi Dance) round out this amazing world-class performance troupe. Experience the beauty, elegance and grace of sacred dance with mesmerizing ragas and electrifying rhythms that will elevate your spirits. Come share in this truly unique and inspirational night!"

A short sample movie is available below:

I am enjoying our rehearsals three days a week. I will be dancing Izanai Yosakoi piece called Musuhi as well. Also, I will be dancing an Odissi piece called Batu in front of an audience for the first time, and Sarala and I will do one dance piece together. Steve and Ty will play beautiful traditional Indian music. I have ideas coming to me everyday. I am grateful for having such a wonderful opportunity to perform with amazing artists. My heart is filled with much happiness and inspiration.

A brief explanation of what Yosakoi is:
Yosakoi means “Good World Has Come” and is an annual dance festival that originated in Kochi after the World War II in the hope of recuperation after devastating losses. Nothing remained except music and the dancing. Yosakoi united people and generated new hope for the next generations. Now, Suga Kunitomo has evolved Yosakoi to the next level called Izanai Yosakoi. Izanai means “an invitation to be awakened”. Through this Izanai Yosakoi dance, we pray for world peace and unity. The Izanai Yosakoi dance piece Akari will perform in this program is called Musuhi. It is about Japanese ancient gods who gave birth to all the creatures in a legendary myth.

---------------------------- Japanese ----------------------------

この度、私の踊りの先生であるサララ・ダンデカーと、スティーブ・オダと、タイ・バーホーと、6月5日金曜日にマウイにありますマウイ アート アンド カルチュラルセンターのキャッスルシアターにて、そして6月6日土曜日にナピリにありますアロハパビリオンにて、一緒にパフォーマンスをする素晴らしい機会に恵まれました。その他にも、私のダンスシスターズ(一緒にサララから学んでいるお友達たち)であるホリー、ヤコ、マラティとローレンも踊っています。そしてマンジュがボーカルを、恭子さんが三味線を弾いてくれることになっています。

日時: 6月5日金曜日
場所: Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC), Castle Theater
チケットはMACCのウェブサイトにて購入出来ます(もしくはBox Officeに電話してくださいませ): http://www.mauiarts.org/june.html

日時: 6月6日土曜日
場所: アロハパビリオン

以下の文はマウイ アート アンド カルチュラルセンターのウェブサイトから抜粋しました。(訳は私です。急いでしたので、日本語変ですみません。)




What I've Been Doing 最近してたこと

What have I been doing...? There are a lot, but here are some of them.

I saw my friends, Carlen and Annalea (they were visiting Maui from Oahu) this weekend. It was so nice to see them!

(Japanese) 最近何してたかな・・・? 色々してたんだけど、ここにそのうちのいつかを紹介。


We went to Hookipa on Saturday and just lay down at the beach and relaxed. I cannot remember when was the last time I did that! Annalea's friend brought new bikinis for sale. They were all cute, but I didn't buy one to save money.

(Japanese) 私たち、土曜日はホオキパに行って、ただ浜辺にねっころがってリラックス。こんなことをしたのはいつが最後だったか思い出せない。アナレアの友達が新作のビキニを持って来てた。かわいかったけど、今はお金を貯めているし、ビキニって別に必要無いし(サーフィンには使えないし)と思って買いませんでした。

About a week ago, I was having a bit of health issue, so I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor and got these herbs to make tea. I've been drinking this tea, and it's been helping me.

(Japanese) 一週間前くらい前に体調崩してたので、漢方薬のお医者さんとこでこの漢方薬もらってきて、お茶つくって毎日飲んでます。助かってます。

It actually tastes pretty good.

(Japanese) 結構、味は思ったより良いのだ。

I saw a chameleon crossing a street.

(Japanese) カメレオンが道を渡っているのを見かけました。

He (or she) saw me squatting down and looking at him (or her), so he (0r she) sped up a bit. It was cute. How can I find out if it was a girl or a boy?

(Japanese) 彼(彼女)は、私が座り込んでじーっと見ていたのに気付き、少し早く歩いてました。

There are a lot of things I am doing, feeling, and thinking, but it's hard to write them all on blog. Well, I'll try :-)



Warabi Mochi わらび餅

One of Japanese food items that I cannot eat here on Maui and miss is Warabi Mochi. I am a big fan of Warabi Mochi!

For those of you who do not know what Warabi Mochi is, here are some links:


When I went back to Japan last time, I bought Warabi Mochi powder and brought it home with me. This past week, for the first time, I tried to make it from the powder. I managed to make it, I think. I put Kinako (soybean flour) and maple syrup, and it tasted good!

On Maui, some supermarkets sell Japanese food items, but I have not seen any store selling Warabi Mochi powder. (I have seen Mochi powder, Katakuriko, and Kinako.) I know I will buy more Warabi Mochi powder when I go back to Japan next time.

----------------------------- Japanese -----------------------------





The First Trip to the Southern Part of the US 初めてのアメリカ南部への旅

(Sunrise at the Phoenix Airport in Arizona)
(Japanese: アリゾナ州のフィネックス空港での朝日。フィネックスは日本語では不死鳥という意味。)

Last week was a spring break.

I flew to the southern part of the US for the first time. (So far, I have been to NY, NJ, WI, IL, WA, OR, and CA.)

I flew there to see Ty whom I have not seen since the middle of February (well I saw him in Japan for a couple of days at the end of February, but it was way too short).

Ty is touring with legendary musicians from India, Shivkumar Sharma and Zakir Hussain as a tour manager. He now has a blog and updates it more often than I do despite of his crazily busy schedule. (I take my hat off to him.) So, for the details of the tour, you could check his blog out. Seeing Ty was of course wonderful as we missed each other very much, and to be able to meet with these wonderful musicians was such an honor and blessing for me.

First, I flew to Phoenix, AZ from Maui, then to Atlanta, GA, and then to Savannah, GA. There, it was so funny that I saw the huge tour bus the artists used came in my sight as the public bus I took from the Savanna Airport came to one of the first few intersections. I knew Ty was in the bus right away. There was an indescribable connection that brought our buses together (you would be probably reading this blog now thinking, "Yeah, yeah, right" :-) Then, the bus drove right behind the public bus, so I got off at the next bus stop and jumped in their bus. I had an interesting experience that the public bus was still not at the airport bus station about 8 minutes after its planned time, so I was wondering if the bus would come soon, and I heard a voice in my head very clearly said, "Your bus will come soon." Then, the public bus came soon after that. I wonder if the voice was talking about the public bus or the tour bus...

From there, I lost track of taking photos. I was blessed to be Ty's helper while I was there which was a busy job yet joyous to work with talented artists, so there was not time to take photos of the town, etc. Sorry if you were looking forward to them. I was happy to learn another aspect of Ty's life and be his help in any way I could.

After Savannah, we took the tour bus to New Orleans, LA (it took about 13 hours). It was the city where Hurricane Katrina attacked in August 2005. It was the city where Jazz music was born. I thought of many things...

Then, I came back to Maui. It was a 4-night-and-5-day trip. Ty will be touring another month, and then I will get to see him. I look forward to that.

Being able to visit a place where I have never been to and to meet new people give me opportunities to expand my horizon, so I am grateful. It does not mean that people who do not travel has a limited sight. There are people who have a great understanding of the world without traveling. For me, traveling is one of efficient ways to educate myself, so I am grateful for that.

The below are several photos I managed to take (mainly aerial photos on the way back to Maui). Please click them to enlarge.

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Savannah Airport: this where I was waiting for the bus.

Lukas Theater in Savannah

Ty doing a sound check.

A clarinet was painted on a wall of a hotel in New Orleans.

I was so impressed with this BORDERS in New Orleans. I want to see how the inside is.

I don't remember when I took this photo. I think it was when I just took off New Orleans.

I thought that even highway can be an art form. This design looked beautiful to me. When the cars drive on these highways are totally environmentally friendly, it will be a joyous day.

I thought that this photo would be a good one to show children to teach geometric.

Suddenly, the ground becomes deeper. I wonder where it is. I also wonder if this was the bottom of the ocean a long time ago...

I love this one, too. It looks like a map!

As I reached Arizona, it beacme more desert.

A cloud floating by itself and its shadow.