What have I been doing...? There are a lot, but here are some of them.
I saw my friends, Carlen and Annalea (they were visiting Maui from Oahu) this weekend. It was so nice to see them!
(Japanese) 最近何してたかな・・・? 色々してたんだけど、ここにそのうちのいつかを紹介。
We went to Hookipa on Saturday and just lay down at the beach and relaxed. I cannot remember when was the last time I did that! Annalea's friend brought new bikinis for sale. They were all cute, but I didn't buy one to save money.
(Japanese) 私たち、土曜日はホオキパに行って、ただ浜辺にねっころがってリラックス。こんなことをしたのはいつが最後だったか思い出せない。アナレアの友達が新作のビキニを持って来てた。かわいかったけど、今はお金を貯めているし、ビキニって別に必要無いし(サーフィンには使えないし)と思って買いませんでした。
About a week ago, I was having a bit of health issue, so I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor and got these herbs to make tea. I've been drinking this tea, and it's been helping me.
(Japanese) 一週間前くらい前に体調崩してたので、漢方薬のお医者さんとこでこの漢方薬もらってきて、お茶つくって毎日飲んでます。助かってます。
It actually tastes pretty good.
(Japanese) 結構、味は思ったより良いのだ。
I saw a chameleon crossing a street.
(Japanese) カメレオンが道を渡っているのを見かけました。
He (or she) saw me squatting down and looking at him (or her), so he (0r she) sped up a bit. It was cute. How can I find out if it was a girl or a boy?
(Japanese) 彼(彼女)は、私が座り込んでじーっと見ていたのに気付き、少し早く歩いてました。
There are a lot of things I am doing, feeling, and thinking, but it's hard to write them all on blog. Well, I'll try :-)
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